Feb 23

Most Popular Subjects for Tutoring: What Are They?

Tutoring has been a popular way to help struggling students for many years, but the recent Covid-19 pandemic saw a significant surge in people seeking tutoring services. With schools being shut down, many learners were left behind, but now things are easing up; one thing’s for sure, effective tutors will always be in demand.

In this post, we’ll explore the most popular subjects for tutoring. These subjects are always in demand, and the trends are likely to continue.


For the lucky few, maths comes easy, but it’s one of the more difficult subjects for many students. With so many theories to learn, the subject can take its toll on anyone – and secondary school mathematics can be complicated.

Tutors are often in demand to support students, from GCSE to University degrees. As maths is a highly specialised subject, tutors can make a good living by offering their services.


Science lessons are often fun in primary school, and students develop essential knowledge and understanding of concepts such as evaporation. However, once they reach secondary school age, there’s more focus on biology, physics and chemistry.

While all subjects are complex, chemistry is the one most students struggle with. Not only do you have to learn the periodic table, but practical lessons using equipment are also part of the general curriculum.

When it comes to GCSE level chemistry, many students require extra help and A-Level tuition is also popular.


English is a vital subject, but it’s one that some students struggle with. With so many spelling rules to remember and grammar issues, some people find English lessons challenging.

Language is only one element of study required for secondary school students, and English Literature makes up a significant part of a student’s final grade. Learning how to find the meaning in famous works of literature and construct an opinion is one of the more complex areas of English Literature.

Many students and parents seek out specialist English tuition to better understand the language, and it can be the most effective way to learn how to read between the lines and put forward an opinion (two things which are essential for communication later on in life).


In recent years, the uptake of French as a second language has decreased. However, the subject is still popular, and many students choose to study it at the GCSE level.

While learning another language can be difficult, any student can become bilingual – or even trilingual with enough practice.

Tutors fluent in French can offer their services to help students learn how to speak, read and write the language.


As is the case with many languages, Spanish has a reputation for being difficult. However, it’s one of the most popular second languages taught in schools across the UK – and many people choose to study abroad or become an interpreter.

Like French, Spanish tutors can offer their services to help students learn the language from scratch or improve their fluency.

As Spanish is one of the world’s most widely spoken languages, it’s a great skill to have. Many people seek tutoring to improve their knowledge – especially if they’re struggling within a classroom environment.


History is one of those subjects that people either love or hate. It’s often taught in primary schools, in a very engaging way – but this changes once a student reaches secondary age.

During these lessons, students learn about important world events; they also have to understand how to view evidence and sources, learning how to construct an argument successfully.

In some ways, History is similar to English, and kinesthetic or visual learners students might struggle with the more intricate elements of the subject.

As learners progress onto A Level and pursue degrees in History, they might require extra support from a tutor to ensure they can identify sources and professionally construct opinions.

Religious Education

Religious Education is taught in all schools, but it’s a subject that many students struggle with.

In most cases, RE lessons focus on Christianity – and while this might be the religion practised by most UK citizens, there are also other aspects to consider. Islamic studies can be very complex for those unfamiliar with their practises, and Judaism is also covered in RE classes.

Tutors familiar with the curriculum can offer their services to help students understand religious studies, which can be especially beneficial for those who aren’t practising Christianity.


Geography is one of those subjects that’s always been popular with a particular type of student. Those who love to learn about the physical and human world find geography interesting as it’s very factual.

However, Geography isn’t easy for everyone, especially lower down in education when students have to understand how to read maps and interpret data sets.

A Geography tutor can help students improve their understanding of the subject and work on their exam technique, so they’re able to score well in assessments.


Computing is one of the most popular subjects for tutoring. While many students are familiar with computers and technology, it can be challenging to understand how this hardware works and why ICT skills are essential in our everyday lives.

A Computing tutor can offer their services to help students better understand the subject, and they might also be able to provide support with revision and exam techniques.

In some cases, Computing tutors can also help students to build their own websites or create programs from scratch. This type of learning is invaluable for the future, as more and more jobs require computing skills.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, there is a range of popular subjects that tutors teach, but some will always be more in demand than others. At Fleet Tutors, we offer support for all core subjects, modern languages, humanities and the arts.

Our specialist tutors can also offer singing, music, verbal reasoning and many other subjects. If you need support with your studies, you’re sure to find an excellent teacher for your needs.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us to find out more.